CM2-04 EN

Course CM2-04: The CM2 Change Process

This course builds upon the principles developed in Courses 01 ... 03 and focuses on the CM2 Change Process that is closed-loop and includes fast-track capabilities.

The inability of an organization to successfully manage the digital thread ties directly back to their inability to effectively manage change. Most organizations have subject matter experts (SMEs) identified for each key discipline, but rarely do organizations have an SME focused on the management of change.

This course will address the importance of an enterprise-wide change process and introduce the roles, responsibilities and workflows required for a world-class organization to efficiently manage change. Thereby ensuring that the digital thread remains intact throughout the entire lifecycle of the product/solution, and that the digital twin is accurate.

The course introduces the power and efficiency of the CM2 Change Process. This process is dependent on the building blocks and enabling principles defined in Courses 01 through 03.

Once the methodology defined in this course is implemented, an organization’s view and perspective of their change management process will shift from it being a “necessary evil” to it being a true competitive advantage.

Event Properties

Event Date 11.11.2024 9:00
Event End Date 14.11.2024 13:00
Individual Price €1.200,00
Location Virtual Training - 4 days 4 hours each

Sold out - Check other courses

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